Dream Newborn Photography Studio - Located in Salem, Oregon

 In July of 2017, I was able build my dream studio in my home. It is a product of many many years of working, saving, dreaming, and even a few tears. So I am over the moon excited to be able to welcome my clients into such a beautiful space. My vision was light airy, and peaceful. And my hope is that they feel welcomed, comfortable, and cozy their entire session.

Having such a space is a complete dream come true, and I cannot wait to welcome all my clients here!

Let me know if you have any questions!

~ Lindsay 


LiveJoy Sign is from Boards and Bows

Shelving is from Target

Little Sitter outfits from Dime a Daisiee

Changing Table from Amazon

Lighting System from B&H Photo Video (86" PLM Einstein) 

Curtains from Amazon

Beanbag from Newborn Cloud



Lindsay Blackman

Lindsay Blackman, owner of LiveJoy Photography, is an award winning Newborn Baby Photographer located in Salem, Oregon and serving the greater Portland area. She has been photographing newborns for 12 years.

She offers Newborn Photography, Baby Milestone Photography, Maternity Photography & Family Photography Photoshoots.

She has been featured in publications such as Buzzfeed, BoredPanda, and is a member of NewbornPhotography.com


Newborn Photography Tips and Tricks


LiveJoy Photography | Newborn Photography in Oregon